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How to get your IDPS/CID/Console ID with IDPStealer

Hey guys im ErixGamer and I am going to teach you how you can get your Console ID with IDPStealer before Phony/$ony
patches it.

IDPStealer download: Click me
Put it in a folder open that folder. SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK, "Open command window here"
Then type in the box: "idpstealer -p 8080 idps.bin"
It should just say Proxy Server starting on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080

then go to your PS3 go to Network Settings. Internet Connection Settings.
Custom -> Wireless/Wired -> Skip till proxy server -> Use -> For the proxy server put in the IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and the port 8080.

Finish the setup and click test internet connection if you failed to get IP or PSN then you have done something wrong if it worked. Sign in to PSN then go to Whats New and go to the Advanced Warfare thing that says watch trailer. (MAKE SURE ITS A TRAILER) Then click on the thing and it will start buffering. Then go to your PC and it should say something like:
"IDPS have been successfully written to: idps.bin." Then open the IDPS with a hex editor program like HxD. And it should have one line that starts with 16 numbers and letters in total.

Congrats you have pwned Phony/$ony in time!

If you still have problems or you have a mac, I can help you

Greetz ErixGamer.